Police ASI Subhash stops oxygen cylinder for 1000 taka donation
Police ASI Subhash stops oxygen cylinder for 1000 taka donation. The boy couldn't save his father.

Police ASI Subhash stops oxygen cylinder for 1000 taka donation. The boy couldn't save his father.
Asi Subhash Chandra Shikdar of police on duty in Satkhira Itagacha trap committed such a tragic and heartbreaking crime while taking oxygen cylinder to save a sick father from Corona. Lock the son up for two hours. Police arrested son while bringing oxygen cylinder with motorcycle. His father died of lack of oxygen at that time. Rajab Ali of Baichan village of Satkhira Sadar upazila shows corona symptoms. The difficulty of breathing begins at a time.
Rajab Ali's son Oliul Islam said he was traveling home on a motorcycle with an oxygen cylinder from the city around am on Thursday. Asi Subhash Biswas of Itagacha police trap seized his motorcycle when he reached Itagacha area of the city on the way. He said his father is sick, taking oxygen. At this time, money is demanded from him. He was locked up for two long hours if he didn't pay. Later he was released if he paid 200 taka. He went home and found that his father died of breathing difficulties without getting oxygen.
Lockdown and every step of the government is working against the citizens. They are more dangerous than those raiders. The government is taking responsibility for the treatment of every citizen in all the countries of the world but in our country the citizens are being oppressed.
IGP has to take responsibility for this murder. Benzir Ahmed has made the police extortionist and murderer. The child who could not save his father because of these extremists. May no citizen have such a situation like that child. If needed, the people of the area like Saltha Police Station should unite and judge them. Public slaves must remember their salaries are not paid by their fathers but by taxing the citizens, to protect and serve the citizens so that everyone can live safely in a crime free state. If the police and the government themselves are criminals then all the citizens should unite.
Nowadays, some police are making drama on Facebook like the driver of a van is making videos of humanity by stopping them and many people show how they are smuggling drugs. If their initiatives were 1 % true, then there wouldn't be any difficulty to make drama. Perform your duty properly. The time of the Mafia government to leave is very near so please don't hurt and injustice to any citizens. Everyone will be accounted correctly Insha Allah. If anyone needs oxygen in their home, first ask yourself what is your civil rights?